2008年10月—2009年6月,选择云南西双版纳地区7个不同类型生境,分别在旱季、雾凉季和雨季,采用铗夜法对小型哺乳动物群落展开调查。共布2100铗日,捕得小型哺乳动物3科10种127只,其中啮齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae)8种,食虫目(Instectivo-ra)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)和猬科(Erinaceidae)各1种,平均捕获率为6%。社鼠(Niviventer con-fucianus)是该地区小型哺乳动物群落中的优势种,其捕获率在季节之间的差异达到显著水平(P=0.023),在生境之间的差异不显著(P>0.05)。在所调查的7个生境中,以生境最原始的热带雨林中的小型哺乳动物物种多样性指数最高(1.91);热带山地常绿阔叶林物种均匀度最高(0.95);热带季节性湿润林物种优势度最高(0.94)。人工橡胶林中未捕获到小型哺乳动物。3个季节中以旱季捕获小型哺乳动物数量最多。对不同生境内群落相似性指数进行聚类分析,6个生境在相似性指数0.21处全部聚合在一起。本研究结果表明,不同生境中小型哺乳动物物种多样性的丰富度与人类干扰程度有关,在人类干扰越小的生境中,小型哺乳动物种类越丰富,生物多样性指数越高;人为干扰频繁的生境物种多样性较低。
In October 2008-June 2009,an investigation was made on the community structure,species richness,and seasonal variation of small mammals in seven types of habitats in Xishuangbanna,Southwest China. The relative densities of the small mammals were surveyed by trap-night method. A total of 127 individuals belonging to 10 species and 3 families were trapped,with an average capture rate being 6%. Within the small mammal community in study area,Chinese White-bellied rat (Niviventer confucianus) was the dominant,and its capture rate varied significantly among seasons (P=0.023) but insignificantly among habitats (P0.05). Among the seven habitats,tropical rain forest had the highest species diversity index (H=1.91),tropical lower montane evergreen broad-leaved forest had the highest evenness (E=0.95),tropical seasonal moist forest had the highest dominance (D=0.94),while rubber forest had no small mammals captured. The highest relative population density was found in dry season. This study showed that the species diversity of small mammals in different types of habitats was related to the intensity of human disturbances,i.e.,the higher intensity the human disturbances,the lower the diversity indices of the small mammals in the habitats. The changes in food abundance among seasons possibly affected the capture rate of small mammals.
Chinese Journal of Ecology