为了观察华蟾素治疗慢性HBV携带者及慢性乙型肝炎使乙肝病毒复制指标转阴的作用。我们选择HBV 携带者及慢性乙型肝炎60 例。治疗组用华蟾素4ml,肌注,日一次,连用3个月,对照组不用华蟾素治疗。结果治疗组HBsAg 阳性者30 例中转阴1 例,对照组无转阴者。HBeAg 阳性16 例中转阴8 例,占(50 % ) ,与对照组比P< 0-025;PreS2 阳性者23 例中转阴11 例占(47-82 % ) 与对照组比P< 0-025 。结论:华蟾素可提高机体免疫力,注射3 个月约半数患者可使HBeAg PreS2 转阴。
To Observethe anti hepatitis Bviruseffectofcinobufolalin on chronic HBVcarrier and chronic hepatitis B-Thirty ofsixty hepatitis Bpatients and hepatitis Bviruscarriers were randomly as signed totreatment with cinobufolalin-(4ml,once a day intramuscularly)for 3 months- While the other 30 casesformed the control group treated without cinobufolalin-In the treatment group ,8 to 16 cases havelost HBeAg(50% ) ,11 of23 cases havelost Pre S2Ag(47-82 % ),which has significant difference compared with the controlgroup( P< 0-025)-In addition,1 of30 casesinthetreatment group has HB sAg Versus 0 in the controlgroup-Conclusion cinobufolalin can strengthen theim munity ofthe body-Its effectonthe negativeconversion ofreplication markerof HBV(HBeAg、Pre- S2Ag、HBsAg)issimilarto that ofInterferon α-Besides,1ts costislowerthan that ofInterferon a
Journal of Clinical Hepatology