评价静脉异丙酚对异氟醚肺泡最低有效浓度的影响。静脉内以10mg.kg^(-1).h^(-1)滴入异丙酚,在21例(男14,女7;年龄32~66岁)手术患者,测定其对异氟醚MAC的影响。异氟醚呼气末浓度监测时间均在静脉异丙酚滴入和异氟醚吸入25分钟后取值。当异氟醚浓度(呼气末)等于或小于0.86vol%时,42.9%病人切皮时“动”,而当异氟醚浓度等于或大于0.86vol1%时,有52.4%病人无“动”反应。此时计算得出异氟醚之MAC为0.76vol%。即静注异丙酚以10mg.kg^(-1).h^(-1)能减少异氟醚MAC 33.9%;约相当于0.34MAC。异丙酚MAC可能为29.5mg.kR^(-1).h^(-1)。
To evaluate the effect of intravenous propofol on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane. With an infusion rate of 10mg. kg-1. h-1intravenous propofol,twenty-one patients (14 males and 7 females 32 to 66-year-old)undergoing abdominal surgery were determined the effects of propofol on the min-inum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane. End-expired gas concentration of isoflurane were monitored after 25 minutes of the intravenous propofol and inhalation isoflurane. 42. 9% patiets moved at the alveolar concentration equal to or less than 0. 86vol %; 52. 4% patients no moved at the concentration equal to or greater than 0. 86vol%.MAC for isoflurane was found to be 0. 76vol%.In other words,intravenous addition of 10mg. kg-1. h-1propfol can reduce the MAC of isoflurane by 33. 9%. This is practically egual to 0. 34 MAC. Predictd from our date,the MAC of propofol might be egual to 29. 5mg.kg-1.h-1(0. 49mg.kg-1.min-1)
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice