
新产品预先发布对消费者购买倾向的影响:基于消费者视角的研究 被引量:12

New Product Preannouncement and Purchase Intentions:An Investigation from Consumer Perspectives
摘要 新产品预先发布(NPP)是指企业在新产品推出市场之前,向目标受众传递新产品相关信息的营销活动。在激烈的市场竞争环境中,越来越多的企业在新产品导入时采用这种营销策略。尽管消费者是新产品预先发布信息最重要的受众之一,但现有文献较少从消费者的视角,研究新产品预先发布的效果。本研究基于信号理论中信号反应过程模型,结合消费者行为特征,探讨新产品预先发布信号所包含的公司和产品特征(如品牌、发布"雾件"产品历史、产品创新性),以及消费者个人特征对新产品购买倾向的影响作用。对手机产品预先发布研究的结果显示,消费者会依据品牌和企业发布"雾件"产品的历史决定是否购买新产品;分层贝叶斯Logit回归的结果则进一步表明消费者在预先发布相关经验、产品熟悉度、风险倾向以及人口统计变量等个人特征上的差异影响品牌和"雾件"产品对购买倾向的作用程度。 New product preannouncements (NPP) have become a prevalent practice in various industries and attracted interests of both academics and practitioners. NPP, defined as a formal, deliberate, and public communication that release information about a product well in advance of the product's actual introduction, can be viewed as a strategic signal. Although consumers are viewed as one of the important target groups of NPP, little research directly examines to how consumers' purchase intentions are affected by NPP and to what extent the aims of preannouncements targeted to consumers are actually realized, This paper tends to address this issue from the consumer's perspective. Following the competitive signal interpretation process model in signaling theory, this study extends preannouncement literature by empirically examining the effects of brand, prior vaporware history, and innovativeness, as well as consumer characteristics on their purchase intentions of a preannounced new product in the cellular phone product category. A Logit regression and a hierarchical Bayesian Logit regression are applied to test effects of NPP signal and consumer characteristics, respectively. The results show that consumers may mainly rely on brand and prior vaporware history to decide whether to purchase this new product after it is launched. Consumers are more likely to purchase a preannounced new product with strong brand, or from a company without prior vaporware. This study also finds that the impact of brand and vaporware history on new product purchase intention may differ in terms of consumer characteristics. Consumers familiar with the product category tend to enhance positive brand effect and weaken negative vaporware effect on purchase intention. For consumers with experiences in purchasing preannounced product, the positive effect of strong brand on purchase intention is weakened, while for risk-averse consumers, brand effect is enhanced. In addition, male consumers exhibit stronger innovativeness effects and elder co
作者 张丽君 苏萌
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期83-91,153,共10页 Nankai Business Review
关键词 新产品预先发布 购买倾向 信号理论 分层贝叶斯模型 New Product Preannouncement Purchase Intention Signaling Theory Hierarchical Bayesian Logit Regression
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