
好恶的对与错:《论语》第四篇第三章蕴含的一个哲学问题 被引量:1

On the Right or Wrong of Like or Dislike to Somebody:A Philosophical Question in Analects 4.3
摘要 与大多数中国经典一样,《论语》文辞简约,多论断而少论证,从而为后代诠释留下了很大空间,其意蕴随论者不同而呈现出不同面相。正是这种开放性使它“与时俱进”,常读常新。本文拟讨论的关于《论语》第四篇第三章的诠释,将对此提供又一例证。该章原文甚短,仅记载了孔子的一句话:“子曰:唯仁者能好人,能恶人。” There is an important philosophical question in Analects 4.3:How to understand the right or wrong of like or dislike to somebody? The interpretations of the School of Principle(li xue) represented by Zhu Xi hold that like or dislike to somebody means like or dislike to somebody according to Principle(li) and the Good(ren) man like or dislike properly due to his selflessness.On the other hand,the interpretations of the School of Philology(han xue) hold that like or dislike to somebody means like or dislike to somebody as most people and you should learn what people like or dislike before you like or dislike to somebody,as a result,the issue of Legitimacy of likes and dislikes turns into the issue of epistemology.Even we agree the view that it is right or wrong to like or dislike to somebody,its meaning will dependent on the criterion of correctness and wrongness.Roughly,'Principle'(li) stands for a kind of universal value which transcends any special community,while the similarity(tong) of likes and dislikes stands for a kind of particular value of special community.The doctrine which takes'Principle'(li) as the criterion of correctness and wrongness closes to the correspondence theory of truth,while the doctrine which takes similarity(tong) as the criterion closes to the conventionalism of truth.
作者 方旭东
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期48-54,共7页 Philosophical Research
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