目的观察口腔石膏模型经SCD(二氧化氯)浸泡消毒后抗弯强度的变化。方法采用特制母模灌注石膏Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ型各100个,各分成10组,每组10个,每组经浓度为250mg/L、500mg/L、750mg/L的SCD消毒液浸泡5min、10min、15min后,用万能实验机分别测量消毒后石膏模型和对照组模型的抗弯强度,所得数据进行统计学分析。结果三种常用石膏模型的抗弯强度在SCD同一浓度下经过5min、10min、15min时间段浸泡消毒后的数据均无统计学意义(P>0.05),并且抗弯强度在同一时间段不同浓度的SCD浸泡后的数据在统计学上也均无显著性意义(P>0.05)。结论 SCD消毒液对常用口腔石膏模型抗弯强度无影响。
Objective To evaluate the changes in bending resistance of dental gypsum casts after immersion in stable chlorine dioxide(SCD) disinfectant solution.Methods 100 specimens each were made of type Ⅲ,type IV and type V dental stone respectively,they were taken from the same special casts and were divided into 10 groups(10 for each),which were immersed in 250mg/l,500mg/l,750mg/l SCD disinfectant solution for 5min,10min,15min respectively,and bending resistance of dental gypsum casts were measured with omnipotent testing machine.The bending resistance were measured and compared.The data were analyzed using analysis of variance(ANVOA) at 95% confidence level.Results There were no significant changes in bending resistance of all dental gypsum casts treated by in immersion(250mg/l,500mg/l,750mg/l) SCD disinfectant solution for 5min,10min,15min.And bending resistance of all dental gypsum casts that dealt with SCD disinfectant of different concentrations did not be changed in the same contact time.Conclusions SCD disinfectant solution has no effect on bending resistance of dental gypsum casts.
Journal of Zunyi Medical University
dental gypsum casts
bending resistance