Since Tang-Song Dynasties, a relatively complete, free system of land private property rights has been established. The legal system in this regard had been clarifying the private property rights and accelerating the transaction frequency of land ownership and the rights of use. On the one hand, the circulation of land, played an important role in optimizing resources allocation, improving social wel- fare, balancing macroeconomics, and serving as financial instruments in fuedal society; one the other hand, the system led to land de- centralization in the long run with the joint effect of the inheritance system and other historical reasons, pushing the country into the pre- dicament of poverty and intensive farming style. These changes also hindered capital accumulation and the process of mechanization. By comparing the positive and negative effect of changes in land property rights, this paper draws the conclusion that the negative effect is more significant and the mismatch of land circulation system and the national condition is a crucial reason responsible for the long-term stagnancy of China fuedal economy.
Journal of Audit & Economics