背景:人体骨密度受多种因素的影响,其中运动是一个重要的物理因素。目的:归纳总结运动对不同人群骨密度影响研究现状,为运动健身提供理论指导。方法:用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI:1985/2009)和Medline database(1985/2009),按纳入和排除标准,对文献进行筛选,资料收集和质量评价,共纳入45篇文章。从运动对青少年儿童、中年、老年不同人群的骨密度进行总结。结果与结论:儿童青少年正处在生长发育期,其骨密度的质量对骨密度的峰值及成年之后骨质疏松的情况都会产生重要的影响。中年雌激素水平降低可能会影响运动对骨量变化的作用。有氧运动对维持骨矿含量和延缓老年性骨质疏松症的出现有良好的影响。运动对各人群的骨骼骨密度都有一定的影响,不同类型运动对骨密度影响不同,负重运动明显较非负重运动有益于骨密度增长;长期运动对骨密度的影响应受重视。
BACKGROUND:Human bone mineral density is affected by various factors,including exercise.OBJECTIVE:To summarize the effects of exercise on bone mineral density of different people and to provide the theory guide for scientific exercise.METHODS:Articles in accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria were retrieved from CNKI and Medline database from 1985 to 2009.After data evaluation,in total 45 articles were included in the final analysis.The involved articles were summarized based on effects of exercise on bone mineral density of children,juveniles,middle-aged people and old people.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:To teenagers,the mass of bone mineral density had important effects on peak value and adult osteoporosis.To middle-aged people,the decreased estrogen level would affect the role of exercise on bone mass.Aerobic exercise could maintain bone mineral density in a normal level and delay the senile osteoporosis.Exercise affected bone mineral density of different people.Various types of exercise have different effects and the loading exercise have more benefits than unloading exercise;and the effects of long-term exercise should be paid more attention.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research