Exponential Convergence in Probability for Empirical Means of Lévy Processes
Exponential Convergence in Probability for Empirical Means of Lévy Processes
Let (Xt)t≥0 be a Lévy process taking values in R^d with absolutely continuous marginal distributions. Given a real measurable function f on R^d in Kato's class, we show that the empirical mean 1/t ∫ f(Xs)ds converges to a constant z in probability with an exponential rate if and only if f has a uniform mean z. This result improves a classical result of Kahane et al. and generalizes a similar result of L. Wu from the Brownian Motion to general Lévy processes.
Let (Xt)t≥0 be a Lévy process taking values in R^d with absolutely continuous marginal distributions. Given a real measurable function f on R^d in Kato's class, we show that the empirical mean 1/t ∫ f(Xs)ds converges to a constant z in probability with an exponential rate if and only if f has a uniform mean z. This result improves a classical result of Kahane et al. and generalizes a similar result of L. Wu from the Brownian Motion to general Lévy processes.
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