目的调查并分析安徽省淮河以北地区疟疾回升的社会行为因素。方法2006年选择安徽省蒙城县许町镇进行现场调查,对(1岁常住居民采集滤纸干血滴,用间接荧光抗体试验(IFAT)检测人群抗体水平。对(10岁常住居民进行问卷调查,内容包括2年内患疟疾史、疟防知识知晓情况、防蚊设施使用情况、露宿行为和发热患者就医行为等,以分析该地区人群免疫状况、居民疟防知识水平和对疟疾的自我防护意识,以评价有关社会因素对疟疾回升的影响。结果调查结果显示,居民对疟疾的免疫力低下,IFAT抗体滴度≥1∶20平均阳性率为5.1%(29/571),阳性几何平均滴度倒数(GMRT)为21.49,总的GMRT为10.40。发热患者就诊率平均为82.8%(96/116),就诊间隔时间平均为5.1 d。居民疟防知识知晓率平均为21.1%(116/548),其中对疟疾预防知识的知晓率平均仅为4.0%(22/548)。防蚊设施使用率平均为38.9%(213/548);露宿率平均为26.8%(147/548),年露宿时间平均为42.6 d。2004年和2005年休根治疗率分别为33.3%(2/6)和12.0%(3/25)。结论当地居民的露宿习惯,居民对疟疾的免疫力低下,自我保护意识薄弱,疟疾病例发现和治疗不及时等,是促成疟疾局部暴发流行的主要社会行为因素。
Objective To analyze the socio-behavioral factors related to malaria re-emergence in the north area along Huaihe River,Anhui province.Methods Field investigation was carried out in Xutan town of Mengcheng county in 2006.Dry blood samples on filter paper were collected from all reachable residents aged over 1 year for detecting antibody level by indirect fluorescent antibody test(IFAT).The questionnaire survey was performed among the residents aged over 10 years to analyze their awareness on the knowledge about malaria and its control,malaria history in the past 2 years,the use of bed nets/curtains,the behaviors of sleeping in open filed and medical seeking of those with fever.Results The sero-epidemiological survey indicated that with a titer≥1∶20 as the criterion,the average positive rate of IFAT among the residents was 5.1%,the positive geometric mean reciprocal titre(GMRT) was 21.49 and total GMRT was 10.40.The rate of medical seeking of the febrile patients was up to 82.8%,but they usually made medical seeking at 5.1 days after fever onset averagely.The awareness rate of the knowledge about malaria control was low(21.1%,116/548),and the awareness of self protection was only 4%.The bed nets/curtains use rate was 38.9% and the rate of sleeping in open field was 26.8%.The radical cure rate among those with malaria history in non-transmission season was 33.3%(2/6) in 2004 and 12.0%(3/25) in 2005.Conclusion Low immunity,poor awareness of self-protection among the local people,their behavior of sleeping in open field and delayed diagnosis and treatment the malaria cases were closely related to the re-emergence of malaria in the north area along Huaihe River.
Disease Surveillance