本文介绍了高效液相色谱法同时测定血液中利多卡因及丁卡因的方法,以毒扁豆碱溶液作酶抑制剂,可使丁卡因不水解。采用双通道紫外检测器的两个波长(215nm和305nm)同时监测,具有灵敏、准确和抗干扰的特点。分离用Ultrasphere TM—ODS柱,流动相为甲醇—丁胺—冰醋酸/水。外标法定量,最低检出浓度为:利多卡因0.02μg/ml和丁卡因0.03μg/ml;最大变异系数不大于5.3%。
HPLC was used by means of two wavelengths dual channel UV detector for determination of lidocaine and tetracaine in serum. Sepa- ration was made by applying a Ultrasphere TM-ODS 4.6×250mm (5μm column and using methanol, butylamine, ice acetic acid and water as mobile phase, whose flow r.ate was 1.3ml/min.The UV detector set as 215nm and 305nm. Externol standard method was applied to the component quantification. The linear range was 3~3000ng for lidocaine and 3~2000hg for tetracaine, the lower limit of detection was 0.02μg/ml and 0.03μg/ml in serum respectively.This method is sensitive and accurate.