以Excel 2003软件为基础,采用Visual C++和Pro/TOOLKIT为开发工具,对Pro/E进行二次开发,研究出插齿刀计算机辅助设计CAD系统。系统采用模块化设计,主要阐述了产品信息输入处理模块、参数选择与计算模块和工程图绘制模块等主要模块及其实现方法。系统能够实现不同结构插齿刀的复杂设计及几何建模,缩短了设计周期,提高了刀具设计的精度和效率,是计算机应用技术与工艺设计相结合的一个典型实例。
The CAD system for slotting cutter has been accomplished with the secondary development of Pro/E on the foundation of Excel 2003,Visual C++ and Pro/TOOLKIT,a CAD system on slotting cutter is developed.On the concept of module structure,this CAD system is composed of three main modules which are module of products data input and process,module of parameter selection and calculation,module of two-dimensional drawing,and so on.The system enables different structural complexity of slotting cutter design and geometric modeling,shortens the design cycle,improves design accuracy and efficiency of cutting tools,Meanwhile the system is a classic example that combines computer application technology with process design.
New Technology & New Process