The interpretation of treaties is a significant issue in international law. The tra- ditional rules of treaty interpretation are embodied in Articles 31 to 33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaty(1969). As a multilateral treaty with marked features, the UN Charter' s interpre- tation has prompted some further developments of the traditional rules of treaty interpretation. These new developments mainly include the following three aspects. First, the creation of new methods of interpretation such as implied powers, the subsequent practices of the UN organs, etc. Secondly, when applied to the UN Charter, various traditional methods of treaty interpretation differ from the general treaty interpretation in terms of their relationships and status. And thirdly, the issue of rela- tionships between the interpretation and modification and between the interpretation and the estab- lishment of new rules as existed in treaty interpretation is reflected sharply in the UN Charter' s in- terpretations. Basically, these developments and features result from the uniqueness of the Charter. The interpretation of the UN Charter has enriched and promoted traditional theories and practices of treaty interpretation, provided us with a brand - new approach to treaty interpretation and broadened the area of treaty interpretation in contemporary international law studies as well.
Global Law Review