组织变革中并购是重要的方式之一,在企业并购过程中发生的心理契约违背是导致并购失败的重要原因。本文通过"通钢事件"分析并购中的心理契约违背现象,并以Tumlye & Feldman的心理契约违背差异模型为基础,构建了一个企业并购中的心理契约违背模型,并运用此模型对通钢企业并购过程中心理契约违背发生的机理进行研究。最后提出企业并购要重视心理契约,建立良性的沟通机制,推进员工参与及促进企业文化的融合等管理建议。
M&A is an important way to achieve organizational change. In the course of M&A, Psychological Contract Violation is the critical reason leading to the failure. Based on discrepancy model of Psychological Contract Violation of Tumlye & Feldman, this paper investigates the mechanism Psychological Contract Violation in M&A by analyzing "Tonggong case", and constructs the model of Psychological Contract Violation in M&A. Finally, it points out that in order to minimize violation in the M&A should pay attention to Psychological Contract, establish positive communication mecha- nism and promote involvement of employees and integration of corporate culture.
Research on Economics and Management