
科学本质理论:基本观点与范畴 被引量:32

The theory of the nature of science:basic view and domain
摘要 科学本质阐明了科学所具有的基本特征,是人们对科学本质属性的正确认识。从科学哲学的视角来看,可以把科学本质观分为传统的科学本质观与新的科学本质观两类。科学本质的现代观是多层面的,主要涉及"科学知识本质观"与"科学探究本质观"。科学本质的范畴是由科学本质的特征或要素决定的,主要涉及:(1)科学知识的本质;(2)科学探究的本质;(3)科学事业的本质。 The nature of science expounded that the science had the basic characteristic,it was the people's correct understanding to the scientific essential attribute.From the perspective of of science philosophy,we can divide the view of the nature of science into two types of traditional and new view of the nature of science.modern view of the nature of science is the multi-stratification planes,it mainly involves "the view of the nature of scientific knowledge" and "the view of the nature of science inquiry".The nature of science is decides by its essential characteristic or the factor.It mainly involves:(1) the nature of scientific knowledge;(2) the nature of science inquiry e;(3) the nature of scientific enterprise.
作者 袁维新
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期809-815,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 江苏省教育科学"十一五"规划立项课题(2009/032)
关键词 科学本质 哲学观 现代观 范畴 the nature of science philosophical view modernal view domain
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