
中国动物园动物种类与种群大小 被引量:9

Animal Species and Population Size in Chinese Zoos
摘要 2007~2008年,我们开展了中国动物园物种编目与易地保护抽样调查,抽样调查了68家动物园。抽样动物园饲养了789种[(包括虎(Panthera tigris)和金钱豹(P.pardus)的亚种]野生动物,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的600种野生动物,增加了180多种;抽样动物园饲养展出野生动物中有国外野生动物种类267种,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的100种国外野生动物,增加了160种。抽样动物园展出的中国哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类数分别占中国哺乳类(607种)、鸟类(1332种)、爬行类(384种)和两栖类(302种)种类总数的25.0%、28.2%、22.7%、4.0%。这些抽样动物园饲养了234种国家重点保护野生动物和254种CITES附录物种,其中,饲养的国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物分别占国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物总数的70.57%和47.09%;饲养的列入CITES附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ及附录Ⅲ的中国动物分别占列入这些附录的中国动物总数的64.21%、60.86%和50%。中国动物园成功繁殖了大熊猫(Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)、雪豹(P.unicia)、华南虎(P.tigris amoyensis)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)等濒危物种,也成功繁殖了从国外引入的猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)、大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)、美洲狮(Puma concolor)等动物。然而,调查发现,(1)抽样动物园仅饲养了四分之一左右的中国哺乳类、鸟类及爬行类动物种类,饲养的两栖类更少;(2)抽样动物园饲养种群小,多数物种没有形成可繁殖种群。抽样调查的动物园两栖类、爬行类、鸟类及哺乳类种群大小分别为5.09(±2.15)只、5.69(±4.28)只、15.00(±6.63)只和10.08(±2.91)只;(3)一些动物园,特别是小型动物园动物饲养空间小,一些动物表现出刻板行为;(4)中国动物园饲养繁殖的大熊猫、华南虎、鹤类已经建立了谱系,其他一些物种的谱系正在建立之中,然而,多数动物还没有谱系;(5)一些小� We inventoried the wild animal species displayed and assessed ex situ conservation capacity of Chinese zoos from 2007 to 2008. Altogether,we surveyed 58 zoos personally or interviewed 10 zoos by correspondence. We recorded 789 wild animal species ( including the subspecies of tiger Panthera tigris and leopard P. pardus) in the surveyed zoos; which was 180 species more than the 600 animal species recorded in the Chinese zoos in early 1990s. Number of exotic wild animal species in the surveyed zoos increased to 267 species from about 100 species recorded in Chinese zoos in early 1990s. About 4. 0% ,22. 7% ,28. 2% ,and 25. 0% respectively of the 302 amphibians,384 reptiles,1 332 birds and 607 mammals in China were displayed in those surveyed zoos. Among those species,234 State Key Protected Wild Animal Species and 254 CITES Appendix listed species were kept in those zoos. Category Ⅰ and Category Ⅱ State Key Protected Wild Animal Species kept in those zoo accounted for 70. 57% and 47. 09% of the national totals whereas Chinese animal species listed in CITES Appendix Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ accounted for 64. 21% ,60. 86% and 50% of the national totals. Chinese zoos successfully bred giant panda Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca,golden-haired monkey Rhinopithecus roxellanae,snow leopard P. unicia,South China tiger P. t. amoyensis,and Asiatic elephant Elephas maximus. Many exotic species such as cheetah Acinonyx jubatus,gorilla Gorilla gorilla and puma Puma concolor also have been successfully bred in Chinese zoos. However,we discovered: (1) only about one fourth of Chinese mammals,birds and reptile,even less amphibians were kept and displayed in the surveyed zoos; (2) captive populations in the surveyed zoos were small: 5. 09 ± 2. 15,5. 69 ± 4. 28,15. 00 ± 6. 63 and 10. 08 ± 2. 91 for amphibians,reptiles,birds and mammals,respectively; most of the populations in the zoos did not form viable populations; (3) cage sizes in some zoos,particularly the small sized zoos were too small; some animals in the zoos di
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期54-66,共13页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 国家环境保护部环境保护项目(No.2007-3)"中国动物园易地保护动物资源及编目"
关键词 编目 易地保护 野生动物 动物园 Inventory ex situ conservation Endangered species Zoos
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