ITC-IGBT is a new type of IGBT. Its structure is quite similar to that of the PT-IGBT, but a very low local carrier lifetime control (LCLC) region is introduced in the collector region near the p-collector/n-buffer junction. If the carrier lifetime in LCLC region is short enough, LCLC region can screen the hole injection from the P+ substrate underneath the LCLC layer. This makes the effective range of collector narrower and the effective electron diffusion length shorter. Thus, the non-transparent collector can turn into internally transparent. In this paper, device temperature characteristic simulation has been performed for the 600V planar gate Internal Transparent Collector IGBT (ITC-IGBT) for the first time. Performance comparisons between ITC-IGBTs and PT-IGBTs have also been carried out. Simulation results show that the ITC- IGBT not only has a better trade-off curve than PT-IGBT, but also lower JZTC (Current density at Zero Temperature Coefficient) and lower Er (Relative increment of turn-off lose due to temperature increment ). This indicates that while offering a better electrical performance, the ITC-IGBT also shows better thermal stability. ITC-IGBT promises better potential for low voltage fast switching classes.
Power Electronics