主要介绍了美国全球定位系统(GPS)和欧洲伽利略(Galileo)计划的组成部分,着重研究分析了两个系统控制段的现状。随着现代化GPS的到来,传统的GPS控制段已经不能满足GPS Ⅲ星座的需求。现代化的GPS运控段(OCX)应运而生,新增加的系统功能保证了GPS Ⅲ更优良的可用性和完好性,并且预计在2014年前逐步取代传统的GPS控制段。
The operational control segment of three phases in the U. S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the European Galileo Programme are presented in this paper. With the advent of GPS modernization, traditional GPS control segment can no longer meet the demand for GPS III constellation. GPS III operational control segment (OCX) will be established, and the newly added system functionalities which ensure GPS III better availability and integrity are introduced in this paper. OCX will be available to replaced traditional GPS control segment gradually in 2014.
Gnss World of China