在生产性柑桔园中接种VA 菌根真菌(Glom us m osseae),设常规施磷区、减施磷区和减施磷+ 施炭区。试验结果表明,和常规施肥量相比,减少施磷肥量可以显著地提高柑桔的菌根感染率;由于菌根感染率的提高,减施磷区和减施磷+ 施炭区果实的果汁可溶性固形物含量、固酸比,果皮油胞层的磷含量、糖含量、类胡萝卜素含量,果皮着色度都显著地高于常规施磷区果实;
In a Citrusiyo orchard,three plots w ere inoculated w ith a VA m ycorrhizalfungus Glo- m us m osseae.Nicolson & Gerdm ann in m id-March of1994,and w ere applied w ith different levelof Pfertilizer from 1994 to 1996.The infection rates of the low Pplot and the low Pplus charcoal plotw ere higher than thatoftheplotw ith conventionalPlevel.Atharvest,carotenoid,Pand sugar contents in flavedo w ere signifficantly increased w ith the higher infection rate.The TSS/TA ratio of juice and rind colour w ere also im proved.It is suggested that Pm ight prom ote the carotenoid biosynthesis m ore effcetively than the sugar does.Moreover,decreased application am ountof Pis recom m ended to foster the developm entofVA m ycorrhizae in citrus orchard.
Journal of Fruit Science