目的探讨超声引导下穿刺活检对颈部淋巴结病变的诊断价值。方法超声引导下应用18 G组织切割针经皮穿刺活检颈部淋巴结病变共178例,取出目标组织者为取材满意,否则为取材不满意。以活检病理肯定诊断或随访6个月的结果为最后诊断。结果超声引导下颈部淋巴结穿刺活检的取材满意率为96.7%。对转移肿瘤诊断的敏感性、特异性和准确性均为100%;对淋巴结核、淋巴反应性增生诊断的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为81.7%、99.1%、92.1%和82.9%、94.1%、91.6%。结论超声引导下经皮穿刺活检对颈部淋巴结病变的诊断具有很高的价值,但不同种类疾病,其诊断价值有差异。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy for neck lymphadenopathy. Methods One hundred and seventy-eight patients with neck lymphadenopathy underwent ultrasound guided biopsy. A biopsy was considered technically successful if a targeted tissue was obtained. Final diagnosis was made based on either the conclusive pathological diagnosis or the result of follow-up for more than six months. Results The rate of technically successful biopsy was 96.7% , and the sensibility, specificity and accuracy for the metastases of cervical lymph node were 100%, 100% and 100% , respectively, while for the tuberculosis of cervical lymph node and the reactive hyperplasia of lymph nodes, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 81.7% , 99. 1%, 92. 1% and 82.9% , 94. 1% , 91. 6% respectively. Conclusion Ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy has high value for diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy, but for different diseases, the diagnostic value is different.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine