The ultrastructure and distribution patterns of mitochondria in blastomeres are successively changing during preimplantation development of mouse embryo, and present specific features at various stages. In the development of early preimplantation embryo there are three major translocations of mitochondria in cytoplasm of blastomere. The first translocation is between 1 cell and 2 cell stages, which results in perinuclear concentration of mitochondria.The second is at 8 cell stage, during compaction of embryo the distribution patterns of mitochondria are from even dispersion to aggregate in the margin area of cytoplasm along the surfaces of opposite blastomeres. The third is at morula stage, in which mitochondria reaggregate in a broader region around nucleus. At blastula stage the mitochondria of trophoblast still reveal a perinuclear arrangement in a broader area of cytoplasm, and they are viewed as clear granules under fluorescence microscope. According to the phenomena of mitochondrial dispersion throughout the blastomeres cytoplasm of compacted 8 cell embryo which was exposed to colchicine, we suggest that the microtubules probably play a key role in maintenance of the distribution patterns of mitochondria in blastomeres. Ultrastructures indicate that at different stages of embryo, the appearance of mitochondria has different features. In the 1 to 4 cell embryos mitochondra are spheroidal in shape with a low electron density area in the center, and there are no cristae in it. In the blastomeres of 8 cell embryos the mitochondrion has a ovoid shape and contains a few cristae.The majority of the mitochondria of morula and blastula are elongated in structures with transverse cristae within them.Thus, the transmission electron microscopic and fluorescence microscopic observations demonstrated that during development of preimplantation embryos the mitochondria develop from a simple spherical appearance to more mature form which would be convenient to provide increasing amounts of ATP for further developmental eve
Acta Anatomica Sinica
Preimplantation embryo
Mouse △School of Life Science, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250100,China