黑角直缘跳甲 (Ophridaspectabilis) 1年发生 1代 .附着于盐肤木枝干上的越冬卵块于 4月中、下旬孵化 .幼虫群聚取食盐肤木幼嫩叶片 ,共 3龄 .末龄幼虫 5月上、中旬老熟 ,转移至地面钻入表土层营造土室化蛹 .6月下旬至 7月中旬成虫羽化 .成虫取食盐肤木叶片 ,1 5~ 1 7d后交配 .雌成虫 9月上旬至 1 0月中旬以卵块形式在盐肤木枝干上产卵 ,以卵越冬 ,卵期 7~ 8个月 .毁坏角倍蚜干母栖息、取食营瘿的场所和雏倍 。
This paper reports the results of study on the biological characteristics of the sumac flea beetle, Ophrida spectabilis Baly,which is one of the main Leaves eating pest on the sumac trees, Rhus chinensis Mill,which is the summer host plant of gall aphid namely Schlechtenolalia chinensis (Bell).One generation of flea beetle occurs per year.Overwintering eggs hatch from the second ten days to the last ten days of April.The larvae develop 3 instars,living in groups and feeding on the young leaves of sumac trees.The last age larvae move from leaves down to ground from the second ten days to the last ten days of May.The pupation occurs in earthen cells in the 20?cm top soil.The adults appear from the last ten days of June to the second ten days of July,feeding on leaves of sumac trees;after mating the females lay cylindrical eggs that are placed as egg cases on the trunks of sumac tree from the first ten days of September to the second ten days of October.Serious injury is caused by the young larvae eating the young leaves on which the gall aphids make the gallnuts during this period.Natural control of the flea beatle results mostly from the natural enemies such as Trichogramma sp.that have the higher egg parasitizing ratio of 69 2% and limit their numbers.
Journal of Southwest Forestry College