由于近些年工程图学课程教学内容的增加反而课时相应减少,造成学生练习少,教学质量下降。迫切需要一种教学手段改变这些教学不足,所以必须利用现阶段计算机手段的成熟,引入三维建模软件,可使学生在短时间接触大量空间模型,使学生快速入门。本文指出将三维建模软件引入工程图学课程是学科发展的必然趋势,分析了学生在学习《工程制图》中的难点,以3DS MAX为例,阐述了在工程图学课程的不同阶段引入三维建模软件的具体方式。
In recent years, the increase of teaching content and the reduction of teaching hours in the course of Engineering Drawing resulted in less practice for students and declining teaching quality. A new teaching method is urgently needed to change the situation. At this stage, we must make use of sophisticated computer tools and introduce three-dimensional modeling software. By doing these we can help students contact a lot of space model in a short time, so that students are quick to start. This paper analyzes the difficuhies in the study of Engineering Drawing, and points out that the introduction of three-dimensional modeling software into engineering graphics is the inevitable trend of subject development. Take 3DS MAX as an example, the paper discusses the specific ways of this introduction.
Journal of Chengde Petroleum College
three-dimensional modeling
engineering drawing