
《经史百家杂钞》与《古文辞类纂》之异同 被引量:1

On the Similarities and Differences between Collection of Historical Classical Works and Anthology of Classical Prose
摘要 同为桐城谱系的选本,曾国藩的《经史百家杂钞》与姚鼐的《古文辞类纂》既有相似之处,也存在明显的歧异。二者在文体分类上"大体不甚相远",在篇目采择上也多有重合,重视韩、欧文的态度也如出一辙。但《杂钞》在《类纂》的基础上增删文类,凸显出对经世之文的重视;又于经史子集并录,骈散兼收并蓄;在对历代文的抉择上,首重秦汉文,兼取魏晋六朝文,轻视明清文;与《类纂》以收录集部文为主,不屑骈体,首重唐宋文,推崇明清文,鄙夷魏晋六朝文的做法迥然不同。《杂钞》拓宽了古文领地,扩大了桐城门庭,也修正了桐城文统。于此,我们也可窥见曾国藩的古文观念和为文宗尚的自家特色,以及桐城派内部的承传嬗变之迹。 Both belonging to the works of the Tongcheng School, the most distinguished among the mid-Qing Dynasty schools of literature, the anthologies of Collection of Historical Classical Works compiled by Zen Guofan and Anthology of Classical Prose by Yao Nai share many similarities as well as obvious differences. In terms of their genres, there are generally alike. With regard to the contents, they share much coincidence in selecting what should be incorporated. When it comes to the works of Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu, both give their high credit. However, the Collection of Historical Classical Works made additions and deletions of its genres predicated on Anthology of Classical Prose, reflecting its emphasis on classical Chinese essays or prose. It not only incorporates classical works, historical works, philosophical works, and Belles-lettres but also takes in parallel prose styles and other literary styles. In terms of its preference of works of past dynasties, priority is given to the works of the Qin and the Han Dynasties; due premium is also put on the works of the period of the Wei-Jin and the Six Dynasties; however, works of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are downplayed. The Anthology of Classical Prose, on the other hand, takes literary works as its main objects for collection while belittling parallel prose. In terms of its preference of works of past dynasties, priority is given to the works of the Tang and the Song Dynasties; the works of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are also highly esteemed; but the works of the Wei-Jin and the Six Dynasties were disdained. The Collection of Historical Classical Works has extended the realm of classical Chinese literature, and propagated the fine traditions of the Tongcheng School, from which we can also perceive Zen Guofan’s outlook on ancient writings, his own preferences as well as the historical evolution and succession within the Tongcheng School.
作者 代亮
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2010年第2期56-59,63,共5页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 《经史百家杂钞》 《古文辞类纂》 文类观 古文观念 文统 Collection of Historical Classical Works Anthology of Classical Prose classification outlook on ancient writings prose tradition
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  • 1曾国藩著..曾国藩全集 家书 2[M].长沙:岳麓书社,1985:102.
  • 2曾国藩.经史百家杂钞[M].四部备要本. 被引量:1
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  • 6姚鼐.古文辞类纂[M].北京:中国书店,1986. 被引量:16
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  • 8王定安.《求阙斋日记类钞》,光绪二年传忠书局刻本. 被引量:1
  • 9李元度.《曾文正公行状》,《天岳山馆文钞》.225页,续修四库全书1549册. 被引量:1
  • 10《鸣原堂论文》.12067-12068页,中国近代史资料丛刊本. 被引量:1











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