阐述了国内标准JB/T 4710—2005和美国标准UBC-97中关于基本风速和风压的定义;分析了两种标准体系下该参数的差异;提出了一种转换方法,国内标准体系中的基本风速和风压值,经过转换便可更合理地采用UBC-97标准的计算方法对国内项目中的塔器进行风弯矩的求解。
This paper expounds the definitions of the basic wind speed and wind pressure in both Chinese standard JB/T4710 and American UBC-97.It analyzes the difference of the parameters in these two standard systems.The authors put forward a converting method.After the conver-sion,the basic wind speed and wind pressure val-ue in domestic system can adopt the calculation method of UBC-97 standard more reasonably to seek solutions to wind bending moment of tow-ers used in domestic projects.
Petrochemical Equipment Technology