
用化学方法从生物质材料得到可再生能源的研究进展 被引量:2

Research Progress on Chemical Perspective to Get Renewable Biomass Fuel
摘要 概述了几种从生物质中得到高质量能源的化学方法,介绍了生物质原料的组成、生物质原料制可再生能源的方法、生物质能源的应用领域,并对生物质材料得到可再生能源的前景进行了展望。重点从理论上介绍了一种新的化学合成思路以及生物能源在实际中的应用方法,指出从生物质转变为生物燃料的重点是从碳水化合物得到碳氢化合物。 Several ways are discussed in this paper to get the high-grade fuels from biomass. Components of biomass raw materials, methods of prepare renewable energy using biomass raw materials, applications of biomass energy were introduced. Centres on a new theory synthetic thinking and in the application method of bio-energy in practical. The developing prospects of renewable sources were also advanced. The centre conversion of biornass to biofuels was the conversion from carbohydrates to obtain hydrocarbons.
作者 张铎 沈青
出处 《生物质化学工程》 CAS 2010年第2期48-53,共6页 Biomass Chemical Engineering
基金 高等学校学科创新引智计划资助项目(111-2-04)
关键词 生物质 可再生能源 化学方法 biomass renewable fuels chemical methods
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