7Michael Glennon,“The Fog of Law:Self—defense,Inherence,and Incoherence in Article 51of the United NationS.Charter,”Harvard Journal of Law and Public policy,2002,vol.25.《法学评论》2003年第4期,第10页. 被引量:1
8Dissenting Opinion of Judge Sir Robert Jennings, the Nicaragua case, P. 533. 被引量:1
9See Thomas M. Frank, Some observations on the ICJ' s procedural and substantive innovations, 81 AJIL 120 (1987) ; Norton Moore, The Nicaragua and the deterioration of world order, America Journal of International Law, Vol. 81,1987, P. 154. 被引量:1
10See Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force, 2000 , PP. 98- 99. 被引量:1