
台湾落花生花青素相关产品开发之展望 被引量:3

Development and Prospect of Commercialized Anthocyanin Products from Peanut Seed Coat
摘要 花青素为一种超强抗氧化之天然物,具有预防心血管疾病、延缓细胞老化、减缓糖尿病症、改善视力及抗癌等功能;因此广泛运用于保健食品及化妆品原料。本改良场为促进台湾产落花生加工利用多元性,增加落花生附加价值,以提高农民收益。选育出具有高抗氧化活性花青素之台南16、17号落花生新品种,并积极发展花青素相关萃取技术。经长期实验结果,目前已建立一套完整、快速、高效率,且不含传统酸、碱、有机溶剂残留问题之落花生花青素萃取技术,配合新育成之落花生品种台南16、17号,所萃取之花青素稳定性及高效率可媲美酸性甲醇溶剂萃取方法,且可保留原花青素结构,将可生产安全而稳定且可保留天然原色之花青素原料。希望经由选育多元化及多功能性新品种,及相关技术之开发,提供天然色素、化妆品及保健食品等原料业之新选择。 Anthocyanin is a strong antioxidant in nature. It has various biological characters such as antioxidant, anti-mutagenic and anticancer activities. It can also decrease the carcinogenesis, delay the ageing of cells, reduce the pain caused by diabetes and improve eye vision. So it is now widespreadly used in health food and food colorant material. This study is attempted to expand the utilization of peanut, for an additional income of peanut-farmer through the use of peanut residual material. After a long time of inbreeding procedure, we had inbred two new peanut varieties, Tainan 16 and Tainan 17, with abundant anthocyanins. We had developed a very efficient, quick, stable, and secure extraction method to extract anthocyanins from peanut varieties Tainan 16 and Tainan 17 seed coat. In this way, we can get not only the enough quantity of anthoeyanins as the acid-methanol method but also keep its original color, without the problem of organic solvent residues. Further research will focus on the breeding of peanut varieties containing more anthocyanines in quantity and quality, for the use in cosmetic and health food.
出处 《花生学报》 2010年第1期8-10,共3页 Journal of Peanut Science
关键词 落花生 花青素 台南16号 台南17号 peanut anthocyanine Tainan 16 Tainan 17
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