目的了解儿童患者标本中分离出的酵母样真菌的临床分布及其耐药现状,为临床合理用药提供依据。方法收集2008年1月至12月临床分离的266株酵母样真菌,采用科玛嘉念珠显色培养基和API-20CAUX酵母样真菌鉴定试条鉴定,用假丝酵母菌药敏试条ATB-FUNGUS药敏板测定酵母菌对5氟-胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、氟康唑、伊曲康唑的敏感性,并以WHONET 5.3软件进行结果分析。结果在临床分离的266株酵母样真菌中,白色假丝酵母菌215株(80.8%),其他酵母菌51株(19.2%)。主要分布在下呼吸道。白色假丝酵母菌对5氟-胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、氟康唑、伊曲康唑敏感率分别为99.5%、99.5%、94.9%、90.2%。结论酵母样真菌感染中以白色假丝酵母菌为主。5氟-胞嘧啶、两性霉素B对白色假丝酵母菌有很高的敏感率,应加强对白色假丝酵母菌感染与耐药性情况的监测,以指导临床合理使用抗生素。
Objective To investigate the distribution and the drug-resistance of yeast-like fungi in children and offer reference for the clinical rational use of drug. Methods API-20CAUX identification system and CHROMagar Candida medium were used to identify the types of total 266 strains yeast-like fungi collected in 2008 from January to December. ATB-FUNGUS system was used to test the sensitivity of the yeasts to 5-fluorocytosine, amphotericin B, flueonazole and itraconazole. WHONET 5.3 was used to analyze the results. Results There were 215 stains (80.8%) candida albicans and 51 stains ( 19.2% ) others in 266 strains yeast-like fungi, and they distributed lower respiratory tract mainly. The susceptibility rate of candida albicans to 5-fluorocvtosinum, amphotericin B, fluconazole, itracomazole was 99.5 %, 99.5 %, 94.9 % and 90.2 %, respectively. Conclusion The calbican albicans infections are most common among fungus infections. 5-fluorocytosine, amphoteriin B was sensitive to candida albicans. We should pay more attention to the monitor of clinical fungus infection and its drug resistance in order to guide the reasonable use of antibiotics in clinic.
Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
yeast-like fungi
drug sensitivity tests