Objective: To study the efficacy of ceftazidime in treatment of biliary tract infection in adult. Method: Between June 1,2004 and December 1,2005.96patients with biliary tract infection were enrolled to the trial. They were received 4 -6g ceftazidime once a day. Their symptoms and clinic sign,side effects,blood routine test,functions of liver and ren etc. were observed. Rusult: Ceftazidime presented excellent clinical efficacy in the treatment of biliary tract infection in adult patiented excellent clinical efficacy in the treatment of biliary tract infection in adult patients. The cure rate was 89.5%, total efficacy rate was 94.7%, and there are no serious side effects found. Conclusion: In summary, in adult patients with biliary tract infections, ceftazidime (4 - 6g once a day)was generally well tolerated and highly effective.
ceftazidime, biliary tract infection,clinical trial