提出一种基于有限元法分析特高压直流输电线路双极分裂导线周围空间离子流场的方法。在计及分裂导线中各子导线相互影响的基础上,将每根子导线单独考虑,详细说明了子导线表面电荷密度初值的估计方法。在验证所提方法的有效性之后,将其应用于±800kV HVDC输电线路的离子流场分析。计算了起晕导线周围空间的离子流,导线下方地面离子流密度以及地面电场强度。分析了分裂导线的分裂数、分裂半径以及空间电场单极部分对离子流的影响。研究表明,随着导线分裂数的增加,离子流减小;分裂半径越小,离子流越小。如果不考虑导线周围电场的单极分量,计算所得的离子流将偏高。分析表明,线路的地面离子流密度和场强都满足我国特高压直流输电线路的电磁环境限值要求。
In this paper,a finite-element method(FEM)simulation program is developed to analyze the ionized field of bipolar bundled conductors.In the simulation,the subconductors in the conductor bundle are considered individually while the influence among the subconductors is taken into account.The initial value setting of the positive and negative space charge density near the surface of the subconductor is explained in detail.After the validity of the method is testified,the corona ionized field of±800kV HVDC line is analyzed.The corona current generated from the bundled conductors,the ground current density and the electric field distribution are calculated.The impacts of the number of bundles,the bundle spacing and the monopolar component on the corona current are investigated.It is found that,the corona current decreases with the increase in the number of bundles,and the corona current increases with the increase in the bundle spacing.If the monopolar component is not included, the corona current will be over-estimated.The simulation results show that the design of the±800kV HVDC line can satisfy the ground current density and electric field limits of environment control standards.
Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society