
初中生未来时间洞察力问卷的编制 被引量:4

Compilation of Future Time Perspective for the Junior High School Students
摘要 目的编制初中生未来时间洞察力问卷,并检验所编制问卷的信度和效度。方法用探索性因素分析初步探究理论结构,用验证性因素分析验证理论结构的合理性和正确性。结果1探索性因素分析确定该问卷包括5个因子,共解释总变异量的50.036%;2总量表的Cronbach's α系数、分半信度和重测信度分别为0.787、0.809、0.829;3问卷的结构效度和内容效度较高,结构稳定。结论编制的初中生未来时间洞察力问卷共包括5个因子,量表具有较好的信效度。 Objective To compilate a questionnaire of future time perspective(FTP) for the junior high school students, and test its reliability and validity. Methods Perliminary inquiry theory structure was analyzed by exploratory factors,and the raticndity and correctness of prorf theory structure was anlyzed by confirm factor. Results ①Exploratory principal component analysis of the items indentified that the questionnaire had five factors, explaining 50. 036% of the total variance. ②Internal consistency analysis showed that Cronbach's coefficient, split-half coeffifient and test-retest correlation coeffiecient of the questionnaire were 0. 787,0. 809 and 0. 829. ③The structure and content validity of the questionnaire were all perfect and steady. Conclusion The questionnaire of FTP for junior school students have five factors, the validity and coefficient of scale were all very perfect.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2010年第2期214-216,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部青年专项课题:EBA080306
关键词 初中生 未来时间洞察力 探索性因素分析 验证性因素分析 Junior high school student Future time perspective Exploratory factor analysis Confirm factor analysis
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