
斜纹夜蛾化学不育研究初报 被引量:6

Study of Chemosterilization of Spodoptera liura Fabricius
摘要 选用塞替派注射液做雄性不育剂,氟脲嘧啶注射液作雌性不育剂;采用成虫饲喂法致不育;利用2种不育剂单独饲喂或混合饲喂,然后合笼配合交配的办法;以校正不育卵率作为评价指标,进行了2种不育剂对斜纹夜蛾的不育作用研究。结果表明:在室内条件下0.01%塞替派饲喂雄蛾,0.02%塞替派饲喂雄蛾,0.01%塞替派、0.025%氟脲嘧啶分别饲喂雄雌蛾,及0.01%塞替派和0.025%氟脲嘧啶混合饲喂雌雄蛾,平均校正不育卵率均在96%以上;0.025%氟脲嘧啶饲喂雌蛾平均校正不育卵率为86.59%;雌蛾第一次能否与不育雄蛾交配,是影响雄性不育效果的关键因素;0.01%塞替派饲喂雄蛾交配竞争力略低于正常雄蛾。 Two sterility reagents were used in this paper to focus on sterility of Spodoptera liura Fabricius thiotepa injection as male sterility reagent and Fluoruracil injection as female sterility reagent. Imagines of Spodoptera liura Fabricius were fed with two sterility reagents and have mating, using the rate of revised sterility eggs to evaluate the sterility to Spodoptera liura Fabricius. The results showed that the revised sterility eggs rates with 0. 01% and 0. 02% thiotepa to male, 0. 01% thiotepa and 0. 025% Fluoruracil to male and female were above 96% and the rate of revised sterility eggs using 0. 025 % Fluoruracil to female was 86.59 %. sterility rates were depedend largely on female's first mating partners. The competition of treated male group with 0. 01% thiotepa was less than that of control group.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期170-173,共4页 Northern Horticulture
基金 山东省重大科研项目计划资助项目(031040127)
关键词 斜纹夜蛾 塞替派 氟脲嘧啶 校正不育卵率 Spodoptera liura Fabricius thiotepa fluoruracil rate of revised sterility eggs
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