一、前言 昆虫生长发育过程中,温度是影响最显著的一个生态因子。对于昆虫发育历期与环境温度间的定量关系,前人提出过不少经验公式,分别在不同程度上反映了发育历期与温度间的密切依赖关系。
This paper deals with the quantitative relation between insect developmental rate and temperature. After analysing some of the classical and prevailing models on this subject, a second order ordinary differential equation model of developmental rate with respect to temperature is developed, which is based on two main assumptions about the dynamics of developmental rate, one is the effect of temperature on insect development, obeying the logistic law in favorable temperature range j the other is insect developmental resistance to the temperature deviation from its optimum value, which may be negligible under normal temperature, but rather significant near the lethal temperature. Relating these two mechanisms to the outer and inner solution of the equation respectively by means of singular perturbation technique in mathematical asymptotic analysis, we obtain an asymptotic formula of development rate V, uniformly valided in all developmental temp-eratute :The model gives a good fitting with the development data of some arthropods at constant temperature. And, using it as a submodel in modelling the cotton bollworm (Heliothis atrmigera) developmental duration at variable temperature, we find the predicted values quite well fitted with the five years' field observational data.A similar model relating the temperature to t he intrinsic growth rate of cotton bollwrorm population is also developed.
Acta Ecologica Sinica