
资源概念与分类研究——兼与罗辉道、项保华先生商榷 被引量:8

Research on the conception and classification of resources——Deliberating with Mr. Luo Huidao and Xiang Baohua
摘要 关于资源的定义,无论是宏观视角还是微观视角,都关注资源的功能或作用,据此本文将资源定义为对特定主体带来力量或弱点的任何东西,包括有形的和无形的东西。而对资源的分类,国内外学者基于资源基础观提出了较有影响的两大标准:一是按照资源的所有权、资源是否具有异质性与不完全流动性的维度来划分;二是从企业资源本身及其与竞争优势的关系两个方面来区分。其局限性都是聚焦于企业内部资源对竞争优势进行解释。本文提出的"三三制"模型则强调三大标准的共同作用,即资源的表象性标准、资源的功效性标准和资源的约束性标准。 The studies of the definition of resources all focus on the function of resources wherever they coming from a macro perspective or a micro perspective.Here,resources are defined as any things,tangible or intangible,that provide advantages or disadvantages for a specific main body.On the classification of resources,scholars at home and abroad put forward the two important criteria based on resource-based view.The first one involves the dimensions,such as ownership,heterogeneity,and incomplete mobility of resources.The second one is only concerned two dimensions,namely,resource itself and the relation between resources and competitive advantages.However,the limitation of the those two criteria concentrates on the impact of internal resources of firms on competitive advantages.A "3-3" model is proposed,which emphasizes on the interactive role of three major criteria,namely the visibilities,functions,and condition constraints of resources.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期26-32,共7页 Science Research Management
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目:"企业成长特征与国际市场进入方式选择"资助(编号:06YB102) 湖南省哲学社会科学成果评审委员会2008~2009年度立项课题:"竞争力视角下湖南产业集群效应实证研究"(编号:0808026B)
关键词 资源 分类标准 RBV分析框架 “三三制”模型 resource classification criterion RBV analytical framework "3-3" model
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