1997年 12月下旬 ,北京某部队 2 37名新兵在冬训中 ,5 1%出现不同程度发热、呼吸道感染症状。经碱性磷酸酶抗碱性磷酸酶 (APAAP)桥联酶标快速诊断、病毒分离、双份血清检测 ,证明此次是由甲 1型流感病毒为主 ,呼吸道多病毒抗原引起的感染。呼吸道病毒的感染易造成军队的非战斗减员 ,平时影响军事训练 ,战时削弱战斗力。因此需加强对军营呼吸道病毒的监测预报工作 ,同时增强战士的机体免疫力、提高身体素质 ,以保持军队的战斗力。
There was 51 percent of 237 recruits suffered with fever and other symptoms of respiratory infections in barracks during the winter-drill in Dec. 1997. With the methods of alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) rapid diagnosis test, virus isolation and of double-serum detection, we were sure that the respiratory infection was caused mainly by influenza A1, accompanying with other respiratory viruses. As being the frequently encountered disease, acute respiratory infections are inclined to be epidemic in troops, especially in recruits. So it is necessary to strengthen the system of prediction and prevention of respiratory viruses in the Army. At the same time, to enhance soldier's physical constitution is also important to retain the army's battle effectiveness.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army