In order to reduce risk in the safety life period, the electrical, electronic, programmable electronic safety related system function safety standard HEC61508, the function safety standard of process industry HEC61511 established the SIS engineering practice technology and function safety management system, to ensure that SIS has realized reduced risk performance. Regarding to IEC 61508/ IEC 61511, the several typical problems in SIS engineering practice should be paid attention and solved. That includes risk analysis, safety requirement specification, type selection and structure design of SIS equipments, SIL evaluation of safety instrument function (SIF), typical function safety management activities, and how to carry out safety evaluate of SIS system in existing unit. To carry out IEC 61508/ 61511 and SIS engineering practice based on the performance are to find out the balance between the cost for safety monitor measures and the benefit from reducing risk.
Automation in Petro-chemical Industry