Sexual hybridization was conducted between the male sterile plants of a culti-ted rice variety susceptible to brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens Stal as the female parent and a wild rice highly resistant to BPH as the male parent. Identifications of their progenies for the resistance to BPH were carried out by applying an improved seedling population screening method , the results indicated that the resistance is heritable , and a numble of filial generations resistant to BPH were obtained. Based on the significances of differences between the filial generations and TNI, the susceptible check variety, of a series of resistance indices such as the survival, population establishment, honey-dew amount and damaged levels of rice, etc. , the resistance mechanism of these filial generations to BPH were synthetically evaluated. It was confirmed that all the resistance mechanisms of F5, F6, F7 and H4 from the cross combination N482(A)/101392 are antibiotic.
Journal of Plant Protection