以海南产新鲜高种椰为原料,参照国家标准GB/T 14772-93和GB5009.6-85,分别采用索氏抽提法和酸水解法提取新鲜椰肉脂肪酸成分,再经过氢氧化钾碱催化法进行脂肪酸的甲酯化处理后,通过气相色谱/质谱联用技术分析测定脂肪酸的组成。共检出9种脂肪酸成分,主要成分为以月桂酸为主的C6至C18系列饱和脂肪酸。
According to the national standards of GB/T 14772-93 and GB5009.6-85 with the coconut from Hainnan province as materials, the fatty acids in fresh flesh of coconut were extracted by Soxhler extractor and acid-hydrolysis method. After being methyl esterification catalysed with KOH, the fatty compositions were detected by GC/MS. There were 9 fatty acid were identified. The main compositions Were some saturated fatty acids, such as lauric acid and other fatty acids contained 6 to 18 carbon atoms.
Guangdong Chemical Industry