
自主神经介导性心房颤动研究进展 被引量:1

Autonomic Nervous System and Atrial Fibrillation
摘要 自主神经系统在心房颤动的触发和维持中扮演了重要的角色,因此心房颤动发病机制中的神经源性理论引起越来越多的关注,深入研究心房颤动与自主神经的关系对认识心房颤动的机制及指导治疗很有意义。针对神经节的靶向治疗可提高心房颤动射频消融的成功率并较少复发,正成为新的治疗方法。神经节消融对正常心肌组织创伤较小,但定位神经节的最好方法仍有争议。 The mechanisms responsible for atrial fibrillation (Af) are not completely understood. However, the autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of Af. The results of clinical trials using radiofrequeney ablation on ganglion- ated plexi result in autonomic denervation are encouraging, and show radiofrequency ablation to be a promising approach. There remain some debatable points, however, the most important of which is the best approach for locating clusters of ganglionated plexi.
出处 《心血管病学进展》 CAS 2010年第1期30-33,共4页 Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases
关键词 心房颤动 自主神经系统 机制 atrial fibrillation autonomic nervous system mechanism
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