工装夹具设计是每个工程技术人员都要掌握并且需要非常熟练运用到生产实际中去的工作,CAXA CAD软件的实体设计和电子图板特别适用于工装夹具的设计开发。文章主要介绍了利用CAXA实体设计三维CAD软件和CAXA电子图板二维CAD进行设计的用于发动机油缸倒角加工时使用的"机体缸孔倒角装置"夹具装置,该装置具有体积小、质量轻及结构简单等特点,并获得国家专利局的技术发明专利。指出该软件能真正达到"实体设计效果又好又快,既直观又能持续改进设计缺陷的目的。"
Jig and fixture design is a skill that all engineers have to skillfully apply to the production and especially the software of CAXA CAD's design and electronic diagram will facilitate the design and development of jig and fixture. This paper mainly introduces fixture design used in the chamfering of cylinders of engine body, which employs tools such as CAXA IRONCAD for 3D and CAXA DRAFT for 2D. And the device is small in size, light in weight and simple structure and was patented. This software turns out a rapid and fast design and improves the design deficiency constantly and directly.
Tianjin AUTO