The muhiwell cluster of fault block He50 is the biggest one on landbased platform.There has been 45 oil and water wells since putting into production in 1989.Among them,there has been 43 inclined wells with 19°to 63°of maximum angle of inclination.The block has entered high water cut period,and production pattern should be adjusted immediately.It is the lithostructural thin oil reservoir with low permeability,low oil saturation and high pressure,distributed as a fan.It has the features of enough natural energy and rapid pro- duction decline with 2.6km2 of proven oil-bearing area,1052×104t of OOIP and 242×104t of recoverable reserves.In mature oilfields,some complex situations of circulation loss,well kick,and borehole collapse and so on easily happened during the drilling process of the adjustment wells for inefficient formation pressure for oil production.Well technology, reservoir pattern was dense and the inclined wells were more in the mature oilfields,so drilling protection and cement job quality must be enhanced. The measures of wellbore trajectory control and collision protection were mized.The technologies formed.Actual drilling the complex problems taken.Drilling fluid systems suitable for different formations were optimized.The technologies of hole stability and sealing by formed.Actual drilling results show the complex problems of circulation rate of wellbore quality and cement pressurization ,cementing and reservoir protection were that:adjustment wells in multiwall loss,borehole collapse and mud job quality were both 100%. cluster HeS0 were applied in solving loss when reducing and cementing,and
Sino-Global Energy
fault block He50
multiwell cluster
adjustment well
oil drilling