
深水液压卡爪式法兰连接器的设计 被引量:10

Design on Deepwater Hydraulic Collet Connector
摘要 海洋油气资源丰富,全球44%的海上油气资源储存在深水海域。因低温高压深海环境,加上复杂的地理、地质情况,所以开发难度很大。针对3000m水深油田开发中海底管道回接中无人刚性管道连接难题,充分研究国外大公司的网站资源及国外专利,提出ROV辅助作业的三种12英寸液压卡爪式法兰连接器的结构设计方案,三种方案在功能结构上均有新颖之处,选取最佳方案并进行了管道强度和稳定性计算、卡爪和法兰危险截面的强度计算,证明结构是可靠的。所设计的连接器将为结构可靠性及控制方面的深入研究奠定基础,是深水管道回接关键技术中的重要环节。 The oil and gas resources in deep sea are very rich,44% offshore oil and gas resources of the whole world are stored in deep sea.Because of low temperature,high pressure,complex geography and geological conditions,the devel-opment is very difficult.For the problem of diverless rigid pipeline connection of deep water pipeline tie-ins in 3000 meters water depth during oil field development.On the basis of oversea companies materials and patents,the three mechanical structural designs for ROV-friendly 12-inch collet connector having new structures and functions were proposed. For the optimal design, the strength and stability of pipeline were calculated, and strength was calculated for critical sections of collet and flanges, it is proofed that structures are reliable. The design lays the foundation for further study of structural reliability and intelligent control, is an important part of key techniques of deep water pipeline tie-ins.
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期595-598,共4页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 深水 刚性管道连接 卡爪式连接器 结构设计 强度 稳定性 deep water rigid pipe connection collet connector structural design strength stability
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