将基于RAMP(rational approximation of material properties)的拓扑优化方法与商业有限元分析软件ANSYS相结合,基于ANSYS二次开发语言APDL和UIDL编制了结构拓扑优化程序,解决了ANSYS自带的拓扑优化模块中单元类型受限及不能应用于桁架结构拓扑优化的问题,拓宽ANSYS软件在结构拓扑优化方面的应用领域;该程序充分利用ANSYS丰富的单元类型、强大的计算和后处理能力,可以避免目前拓扑优化方法研究中采用其它编程语言所带来的建模、计算精度和后处理等复杂繁琐问题,有利于促进结构拓扑优化的研究和应用。以体积约束下刚度最大化C型夹结构拓扑优化作为算例,结果表明该程序能够取得良好的效果。
The paper programs the structural topology optimization based on ANSYS secondary development language APDL and UIDL, combines the topology optimization method based on RAMP with commercial FEA software ANSYS, solves the problem that element is limited and topology optimization can not be applied into frame structure in ANSYS topology optimization module, broadens the application of ANSYS in field of topology optimization. The program makes full use of abundant element types, powerful computation and post processing ability in ANSYS, can avoid problems of complex modeling, computation accuracy and post-processing happened in research of topology optimization with other program language, and is useful to the research and application of topology optimization method . Result of typical sample C clip shows that the program can get good performance.
Mechanical Engineer