头孢类抗生素的原料药和粉针制剂的生产废水属于高浓度难生化降解的有机废水,其主要污染成分有甲醇、一甲胺、二甲胺、DMF等。介绍了EGSB—CASS组合工艺在常温下处理制药废水的工程应用,运行结果表明:在10~30℃温度范围内,进水CODCr为2 300~8 000 mg/L时缓慢增加反应器容积负荷,运行3个月后,EGSB容积负荷可达12 kgCODCr/(m3.d),出水各项指标均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)二级标准。
Antibiotic wastewater is high concentration, non-biodegradable wastewater, whose main pollution composition includes methanol, monomethylamine, dimethylamine, N, N-dimethyl- formamide, and so on. This paper introduced the practical application of combined process of EGSB--CASS in pharmacy wastewater treatment at normal temperature. Results showed: increasing volume load of reactor slowly, after 3 months operation, under temperature of 10-30 ℃ and influent CODcr of 2 300-8 000 mg/L; the volume load of EGSB system was 12 kgCODCr/(m^3· d) ; every effluent quality index could meet the second criteria of Integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978--1996).
Water & Wastewater Engineering