目的:探求系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,SLE)在应用糖皮质激素治疗不同阶段的中医证型特点,为中医临床治疗奠定基础。方法:对1985年-2008年国内期刊中相关文献34篇共1278例SLE患者进行回顾性总结。结果:激素各使用阶段主要证型分布分别为:首始阶段:热毒炽盛型(39.1%)、阴虚内热型(23.6%)和瘀热痹阻型(11.8%);减量阶段:阴虚内热型(23.8%)、瘀热痹阻型(21.5%)和肝肾阴虚型(16.7%);维持量阶段:脾肾阳虚型(49.7%)、气血两虚型(27.9%)和瘀热痹阻型(9.1%)。结论:在SLE使用激素的首始阶段,以热毒炽盛型和阴虚内热型为常见证型;撤减阶段,以阴虚内热型和肝肾阴虚型为常见证型;维持量阶段,脾肾阳虚型和气血两虚型为主要证型;而血瘀型则在不同阶段都有体现。
Objective: To establish provide a basis for traditional Chinese medical (TCM) treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) by seeking for features of TCM syndromes of SLE on the different stages of glucocorticoid application. Methods: To make a retrospective summary on 34 related 34 articles, with 1278 SLE patients totallyin total, among domestic periodicals published during 1985 to 2008. Results: The distributions of major TCM syndromes in SLE on different stages of glucocorticoid application in SLE is are toxic heat flourishing ( 39.1% ), internal heat due to yin deficiency (23.6%) and syndrome of heat depression and blood stasis syndrome of blood and heat stasis (11.8%) on the initial stage of using glucocorticoid, and internal heat due to yin deficiency (23.8%) , syndrome of heat depression blood and blood stasis heat stasis (21.5%) and yin deficiency of liver and kidney ( 16.7% ) on the remission stage, yang deficiency of spleen and kidney(49.7% ) , deficiency of both qi and blood (27.9%) and syndrome of heat depression blood and blood stasis heat stasis (9.1% ) on the stable stage. Conclusion: It suggested shows that major TCM syndrome types are toxic heat flourishing and internal heat due to yin deficiency on the initial stage of using a large dose of glucocorticoid, in-temal heat due to yin deficiency and yin deficiency of liver and kidney on the remission stage. Main types of SLE on the stable stage is are yang deficiency of spleen and kidney, deficiency of both qi and blood and syndrome of blood and heat stasis on the stable stage, and whereas blood stasis type appeared in all stages of glucocorticoid application.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
systemic lupus erythematosus
features of Chinese medical syndromes