
三级恒温沼气热电联供系统性能分析 被引量:1

A Cogeneration System with Three Biogas Digesters at Different Temperature Level
摘要 基于"温度对口,能量梯级利用"的原则,设计了新型的三级恒温沼气热电联供系统。本文根据兰州地区实际情况,设计了日发电量为960 kW h的三级恒温沼气热电联供系统,并从理论上对本系统进行分析。结果表明,该系统年节约标准煤约125吨,能源利用效率85.67%,系统火用利用效率47.26%,系统投资回报期2.5年。 A power and heat cogeneration system with three biogas digester at different temperature, namely thermophilic, mesophilic, and ambient temperature was designed according to a principle of "parallel temperature and gradient energy utilization". Tbe system has a power generated of 960 kWh every day and the heat form power generation was used for digester heating with different path for different digester temperature. The results showed that the system has the energy utilize efficiency of 85.67% ; the exergy efficiency is 37.4%.
出处 《中国沼气》 2009年第6期17-21,30,共6页 China Biogas
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2007AA05Z261) 甘肃省重大专项(092NKDA035) 甘肃省科技支撑计划(0804NKCA054) 甘肃省星火计划(0805XCXD143) 甘肃省教育厅硕导基金(0803-06) 甘肃省基金(0809RJZA022) 兰州理工大学优秀青年教师培养计划(Q200801)
关键词 温度对口 能量梯级利用 沼气 热电联供 投资回报期 parallel temperature gradient utilization biogas heat and power supply capital return
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