
媒介批评课程与批判性思维的培养——清华大学的教学案例 被引量:11

Media Criticism Courses and the Cultivation of Critical Thinking:Course Instruction Cases at Tsinghua University
摘要 媒介批评是一门以培养学生的批判性思维能力,运用批判性思维分析、批评媒介文本和现象为主要宗旨的综合性课程。为了实现这一教学目的,应综合运用媒介素养测评、课堂展示、工作坊、媒介事件讨论、媒介批评文章写作、评报等多种教学手段,调动学生运用批判性思维评判媒介事件的积极性,促进学生批判素质的提高。 As a mature thinking process, Critical Thinking is essentiallv a tool to explore the truth. The main purpose of the comprehensive course in media criticism should focus on cultivating and training the critical thinking skills of students, and teaching students how to analyze the media text and phenomenon. In order to achieve the goals, different kinds of measures should be adopted, such as questionnaire of media literacy, presentation, workshop, group discussion of media events, and critical writing, etc.
作者 王君超
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期114-118,共5页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 批判性思维 媒介批评 媒介教育 媒介素养 教学方法 critical thinking media criticism media education media literacy teaching methods
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