By introducing the homomorphism in algebra and "coarse" in physics and HP model, according to the chemical structure classification of a,t,c and g, these concepts of σ- , τ- and σ ∩ τ- have been presented and promoted into protein sequence, furthermore, the graph representation is introduced, and protein sequence is simplified to be (0,1 ) sequence . On the base of the method giving the characteristic sequences, according to the relation of the molecular weight? and degeneracy of the amino acids, another concept of DNA characteristic sequences( - )is presented, and promoted into protein sequence, furthermore, another graph representation is introduced, protein sequence is simplified to be (0,1,2) sequence, we can know that both RHD and RHCE genes all prefer to use the amino acids with small molecular weight and high degeneracy, by comparing the graph representation of the RHD and RHCE characteristic sequences.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics