
信息检索相关术语 被引量:3

Some Information Retrieval Terms
摘要 信息检索技术是计算机技术和传统图书情报技术相结合而产生的新技术,在互联网高速发展的今天有着重要的应用。本文介绍了信息检索的发展历史及其相关术语,包括信息检索、搜索引擎、信息提取、信息过滤以及两个常用的信息检索系统性能评价指标:准确率和召回率。 Information retrieval is a new technology which combined computer technology with traditional document and information technology. With the rapid development of Internet, information retrieval has more and more important application today. The origin and development of information retrieval (IR) are introduced in this paper. Some terms that related to IR are explained in details, including Information Retrieval, Search Engine, Information Extraction, Information Filtering and two evaluation indices: Precision and Recall.
作者 邵艳秋
机构地区 北京城市学院
出处 《术语标准化与信息技术》 2009年第4期9-11,43,共4页 Terminology Standardization & Information Technology
关键词 信息检索 搜索引擎 信息提取 信息过滤 准确率 召回率 information retrieval search engine information extraction information filtering precision recall
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